11 Plus
11 Plus

the 11 Plus program at Neutron Tutors
Neutron tutors will help your child reach their potential and play a vital role in their progress. Our
tutors will get to know your child and support in boosting their confidence and motivation for
learning. Your child will receive support to overcome challenges and feedback to help take their
knowledge forward. Here at Neutron tutors, our teachers use questioning to support your child to
apply what they already know and then encourage them to explain their answers, allowing them to
build their independent learning skills.
With our New Beginnings program, your baby will be paired with a primary teacher who will provide personalized attention and nurture them through every milestone—within a caring and cohesive community.
The 11 plus Exam is highly competitive.
Every parent who is supporting and preparing their child for the Grammar School 11 Plus Test would be thrilled if their child is successful in passing the 11 Plus.
We are helping students with English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, TimesTables, Reading Comprehension and to provide training for children on how to stay calm and collected during exams. We will also train students what the paper format looks like. Furthermore, we will help explain individuals on how to manage time during exams.
Enjoyable 11-Plus Quizzes for all the Main Subjects. 11-Plus quizzes written by teachers for years 3,4, 5 and 6 of the curriculums.
Apart from the traditional pen and paper and teaching methods we also have over Quizzes for all the Main Subjects.
– English
– Maths
– Verbal Reasoning
– Non-Verbal Reasoning
– Times Tables
– Exam Illustrations – English
– Exam Illustrations – Maths
– Exam Illustrations – Verbal Reasoning
– Exam Illustrations – Non-Verbal Reasoning
– Reading Comprehension